Data model

The ESPD-EDM model was designed to implement the data requirements expressed in the Annex 2 of the COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2016/7 of 5 January 2016, establishing the standard form for the European Single Procurement Document. Additionally to these requirements, the model also took into account the Information Requirements Model specified in the CEN/BII-Workshops (namely Workshop 3), and the latest developments relating to the Virtual Company Dossier (VCD) in e-Sens.

The full data model documentation can be found at: ESPD Exchange Data Model documentation

The ESPD Request XML document overview

The UML Diagram below provides a simplified view of the ESPD Request document. Notice that the classes herein represented belong to 4 different data-packages. Consequently, each class name is preceded by one of the following prefixes representing different namespaces: espd, ccv, cev, and cac.

espd::ESPDRequest UML class diagram
Figure 1. espd::ESPDRequest UML class diagram

The figure above provides a high level view of the main concepts used in the ESPD Request relating to the Criterion entity. The UML diagram below, in turn, shows in detail the classes and attributes of the Core Criterion Data Model used in the ESPD Request XML document.

UML representation of the parts of the Core Criterion Data Model used in the ESPD Request XML documents
Figure 2. UML representation of the parts of the Core Criterion Data Model used in the ESPD Request XML documents

The UML diagram can be read as follows:

  • One Criterion contains one or more Groups of Requirements

  • One Criterion MAY have sub-Criteria

  • One Criterion MAY be linked to a specific Legislation.

  • One Group of Requirements contains one or more Requirements

In the ESPD documents a Criterion takes the form of

a question or statement about a specific subject that may lead to the exclusion or selection of an Economic Operator in a Procurement Project.

Thus, in the case of grounds for exclusion related to possible convictions, the question

Has the economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein been the subject of a conviction by final judgement for participation in a criminal organisation, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable?

is to be considered a Criterion.

Requirements, on the other hand, relates to the way the Economic Operator has to answer one specific Criterion. In the case of the exclusion Criterion mentioned above, the Contracting Authority requires the Economic Operator (EO) to answer YES or NO, and if the EO answers YES, he is further required to provide additional details about the conviction.

Java packages

The Java library contains the XML schemas used to generate the JAXB annotated Java classes.

To include the ESPD Exchange Model classes inside your Java project just declare the following Maven dependency in your POM file:
